# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Everyone is planting grass in the sun-drying circle Taiwan's Chen Yun Baoquan taro cake has finally arrived at my place Chen Yunbaoquan has a lot of flavor series. Among them, this [Taro Crisp] has the highest praise. So I got two boxes to try. After eating really! really! The good reviews are true. I like it too. The packaging is pink. The pattern is the classic beckoning cat billions of taels. The box opens like a drawer. There is also a layer of plastic airtight packaging inside. There are 3 in a box. Each taro crisp is also individually packaged. Really fresh. And clean and hygienic. Without further ado, let's eat one first. The taste is really layered. Especially the mochi in the middle.QQ. But not boring. The mashed taro is also very good. The sweetness is just right. The puff pastry on the outside is also just right. Crispy and fresh. Chen Yunbaoquan's production is all Taiwanese teachers' dedication and technology for decades. All are high quality raw materials. No preservatives. Both big and small family love to eat. It seems that two boxes are not enough. Continue to "add up" to stock up. I also highly recommend this one.
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yami_featured_image # 摸着良心来种草啦 # 在晒货圈被大家种草的 台湾陈允宝泉芋头酥终于也到我这了 陈允宝泉口味系列很多. 其中这款【芋头酥】好评最高. 所以先入了两盒试试. 吃完真的!果然!好评都是真的. 我也好喜欢呀. 包装是粉色系的. 图案是经典的招财猫亿万两. 盒子像抽屉一样拉开. 里面还有一层塑料密封包装. 一盒有3颗. 每一颗芋头酥也都是独立的包装. 真的保鲜. 而且干净卫生. 二话不说.先开吃一个. 口感真的很有层次感. 特别是中间的麻薯.QQ的. 但是又不腻. 还有芋头泥也是很赞. 甜度很刚好. 外层的酥皮也很刚好. 酥软鲜嫩. 陈允宝泉的制作都是台湾老师股几十年的专注和技术. 都是优质原料.无防腐剂. 家里大的小的也都很喜欢吃. 看来两盒确实不够吃. 还要继续“加仓”囤货. 我也强烈推荐这款.