# 摸着良心来种草啦 # In addition to self-operated products, Miwang. There are also third-party Japanese direct mail products. I really like this shop 【Tokyo like】 However, the free shipping amount is higher than 99 and only free shipping. During YQ, international packages will also be delayed. So my lip balm bottle is empty Let's talk about DHC home lip balm first. This is their classic. It is designed for the repair of chapped lips and dull lips. The effect is very good. This is one of my all-time favorite lip balms. Really lip balm. Moisturizing is also evident. But this price is a little expensive. For the sake of the Japanese version. For the sake of ease of use. Still use it all the time. Don't change it.
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 米网除了自营产品以外. 还有第三方的日本直邮商品哦. 我蛮喜欢这家店铺【东京赞】 不过免邮额有些高99才包邮. YQ期间.国际包裹也是会delay的. 所以我的润唇膏都空瓶了 先来说说DHC家润唇膏的好吧. 这是它们家的经典款. 是针对嘴唇干裂.唇色暗沉的修护设计的. 效果非常好. 是我一直长期使用的一款润唇膏. 真的很润唇. 锁水保湿也是明显. 不过这样的价格算是小贵吧. 看在日版的份上.又好用的份上. 还是一直用它.不换.