# 摸着良心来种草啦 # I really like eating bamboo shoots so much, I never get tired of eating them! No matter whether it is with bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots, or shredded bamboo shoots, or hot pot braised, stir-fried, or soup, there is nothing bad! The stocked Yunsun bamboo shoots in Yunnan Qingshui bamboo shoots are of very good quality and are cut finely. I think it's especially delicious to make small fried pork with shredded bamboo shoots. It's crisp, fresh, sweet and refreshing!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 实在太喜欢吃笋了,百吃不厌呀!无论笋尖笋片笋丝,无论火锅红烧清炒烧汤,没有不好吃的!囤货的云笋云南清水笋丝质量非常好,切的细细的。我觉得拿来做笋丝小炒肉特别好吃啊,清脆鲜甜爽口!