# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Girls love whitening masks. However, cleaning the mask is also very important. South Korea's Sulwhasoo's Yurong peel off mask is a very good mask. I use it once a week To help clean pores and remove excess dead skin cells. How to use: Wash face. Sassafras dry face. Then avoid around the eyes and mouth. Apply evenly on the face. I would suggest a slightly thicker coat. That's how it works. Then wait for half an hour. After it dries, peel off the mask. Although it is a tear off mask. However, the tearing process is actually not very painful. It's one of the most gentle cleansing masks I've ever seen. It also helps to balance oil and moisturize the skin. Long-term use can effectively purify dull skin and improve skin. Cleansing mask I recommend it~
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 女生都爱美白面膜. 不过清洁面膜也很重要哦. 韩国雪花秀的玉容撕拉面膜是一款很赞的面膜哦. 我每周都会用1次 来帮助清洁毛孔和去除多余老废角质. 使用方式: 洗净脸.檫干脸. 然后避开眼周围和嘴巴.均匀的涂在脸上. 我会稍微建议涂厚些. 这样才有效果. 接着就是等上半小时. 等它全干以后在撕下面膜. 虽然是拉撕面膜. 但是其实撕的过程不会很疼. 算是我见过超温和的清洁面膜之一了. 而且这款还能帮助皮肤平衡油脂和起保湿作用. 坚持长期使用能够有效的净化暗沉肤色.改善肌肤. 清洁面膜我推荐它~