# 摸着良心来种草啦 # I want to try various brands of Hu spicy soup to see which one is more delicious. I also bought this Xiaoyao Lao Yang’s convenient Hu spicy soup. For three bowls, the price of more than 1 yuan should be OK. It's just that the packaging feels very crude. The packaging of instant noodles in the canteen at the door many years ago, I hope the taste is better than the packaging!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 想试试各种品牌胡辣汤看看哪个更好吃,也买了这个逍遥老杨家方便胡辣汤,是麻辣味的,还没来得及宠幸,希望好吃啊,而且一包是可以做三碗的份量,1块多钱的价格应该可以了。就是包装感觉挺简陋的,多年前门口小卖部的方便面包装感,希望口味胜过包装!