# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Favorite little dessert Shabble's Mango Cranberry and Milk Cranberry Cookies The refreshing taste of sweet cranberries tastes like cookies Crunchy outside, soft inside best snack Every time I finish eating and wait for replenishment, I get greedy and itchy Scratching my ears, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, I can't find a substitute stock up~~
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 最爱吃的小甜点 莎布蕾的芒果蔓越莓以及牛奶蔓越莓曲奇 吃起来有曲奇的香甜蔓越莓的清爽 外壳偏酥内里绵软 最佳小零嘴 每次吃完等不到补货的时候就会嘴馋馋心痒痒 抓耳挠腮翻箱倒柜找不到替代品 囤起来~~