# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # A moment of gluttony | This oily and spicy sub is so amazing, people who love spicy stars can rush ✨The best oil-splashed chili recently punched in, the taste is very fragrant and amazing✨ 🌶️Spiciness value: 🌟🌟🌟 This oil-splashed chili from Liupo was bought by my friend Amway, and I took advantage of the Yami event to try it out As a native of Shaanxi, oily peppers are also an indispensable part of daily cooking. Especially with pasta, the taste will be better Spicy oil, Sichuan red oil, plump and large sesame seeds A bottle full of red oil, rich ingredients, super enjoyable The use of oily chili oil is also very wide, cooking and seasoning salads Use this oil-splashed chili seasoning to easily make spicy saliva chicken In the seasoning, add a tablespoon of red oil chili sauce I feel that the flavor on the taste will be more abundant, and there is also a strong chili flavor. When you don't want to cook, cook a bowl of noodles with a spoonful of red oil This seasoning is really versatile, and you don't need to buy your own ingredients Come to burn oil to make oil-splashed pepper condiments, friends who like spicy food, you can make it
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 馋嘴一刻|这款油泼辣子太绝了,爱辣星人可冲 ✨近期打卡的最佳油泼辣椒,味道很香很绝✨ 🌶️辣度值:🌟🌟🌟 被朋友安利了六婆的这款油泼辣椒,趁着亚米活动尝个鲜 作为陕西人,油泼辣椒也是日常用餐做饭不可缺的一味 特别是搭配面食一起食用,口感味道会更佳 油泼辣子,川调红油,饱满大粒的芝麻碎 一瓶满满的红油,丰富配料,超级过瘾 油泼辣椒油的用途也很广,炒菜调味凉拌 使用这个油泼辣椒调料,可方便制作麻辣口水鸡 在调料中,加入满满一大勺的红油辣椒酱 感觉口感上的风味会更足,也有浓郁的辣椒香味 不想做饭的时候,煮一碗面,搭配一勺红油 这款调料真的太百搭了,也不需要自己买料 来烧油制作油泼辣椒的佐料,喜欢吃辣的小伙伴们,可冲