# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 2. Let’s recommend #wujiang mild spicy/spicy mustard #. I don't have a picture of the spicy ones. It's good to choose slightly spicy ones that can't be spicy. It's really not too spicy. If you can eat spicy, buy spicy, especially suitable for fried rice.
In fact, in addition to hot and sour, I have tried other types of mustard in Wujiang. As a super-spicy star, what I like the most is the sauce fragrance and refreshing, and the spicy and slightly spicy fragrance is tied for second. Generally, I eat it with instant noodles and various fried rice, such as the fried rice with salted egg yolk, ham, peas and mustard in picture 2 and the fried rice with quinoa, shrimp and green onion in picture 3.
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 2.来推荐一下#乌江 微辣/麻辣 榨菜#。麻辣的我没存图,不能吃辣的选微辣挺好的,确实辣味不重。能吃辣的买麻辣,特别特别特别适合炒饭。
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