# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # Moment of gluttony|Cold and spicy konjac sticks ✨Lately love everything about konjac products ✨ After being tried by my friend Amway, I couldn't stop at all From konjac noodles to konjac rice to konjac silk to konjac jelly... I feel that I can buy all the styles that can be picked. Among them, konjac strips, konjac noodles and small snacks fruity konjac jelly are my favorite. Konjac features low calorie, low protein and high dietary fiber The production method is also very convenient, five-minute fast food series Kuaishou dishes 🔥Cold and Spicy Konjac Strips🔥 ▪️After opening the bag, rinse it several times with cold water, I will soak it in clean water for a while ▫️When cleaning the konjac, you can start to boil water and wait for the water to boil ▪️At the same time, wash the small ingredients, vegetables and meat to be matched ▫️The seasoning of cold dishes, the essence lies in the sauce, I usually put chili noodles, light soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, cumin powder, vinegar, then chop the minced green onion and millet pepper, and pour it with boiling oil, so that the pepper and green onion The scent of the oil will be heavier ▪️Then cook konjac sticks and various vegetables and meat, remove and control the water ▫️ Then put it into the prepared bowl, you can eat it happily
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 馋嘴一刻|凉拌香辣魔芋条 ✨最近是疯狂热爱魔芋制品的一切✨ 被朋友安利了尝试了一次后,便完全停不下来 从魔芋面到魔芋米到魔芋丝到魔芋果冻... 感觉可以pick的款式都全部加购了一波 最喜欢其中的魔芋条、魔芋面以及小零食果味魔芋果冻 魔芋主打低热量、低蛋白以及高膳食纤维 制作方法也很方便,五分钟速食系列快手菜 🔥凉拌油泼香辣魔芋条🔥 ▪️开袋后先用凉水冲洗几遍,我会再在清水中泡一会 ▫️清洗魔芋的时候,就可以开始烧水,等水开了 ▪️同时,再清洗准备搭配的小料、蔬菜和肉肉 ▫️凉拌菜的调味,精华在于料汁,我一般会放辣椒面、生抽、香油、花椒油、孜然粉、醋,然后切葱末与小米椒,用滚油淋一下,这样辣椒和葱油的香味会更重些 ▪️接着煮魔芋条和各式蔬菜和肉肉,捞出控水 ▫️接着放入调好的料碗中,就可以开心食用啦