# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 21. Let’s recommend #罗巴王 Snail noodles (spicy flavor) #. The first time I ate it, all the buns were put in, it was really strong... After that, I only put half of the spicy buns. This stink is worse than Haohuanluo, and it is more to me (after all, no one wants the smell in the house). Because I think Haohuan snail is smelly, but the taste is actually not that strong. This snail powder is not so stinky, the taste will be stronger (the ordinary version is not recommended), it is more spicy, and there are quite a lot of ingredients. Luobawang Spicy and Haohuanluo Crayfish will always be on the repurchase list! In addition, it has a tomato-flavored snail powder. I don't like tomato very much, and I have tried that one. If you only put the tomato in the package, it will not be very colorful. But it is highly recommended to sell both of them. The ratio of tomato and spicy ingredients is 1:3 as the soup base! ! ! It's delicious! ! !
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 21.来推荐一下 #螺霸王 螺蛳粉(麻辣味) #。第一次吃时料包都放进去了,真的够劲儿…之后再吃就是麻辣包只放一半。这个臭味比好欢螺差了些,更对我口(毕竟谁也不想屋子里臭臭的)。因为我觉得好欢螺虽然臭,味道实际没那么浓。这款的螺蛳粉味不那么臭,味道还会更浓一些(普通款不推荐)多了麻辣的劲儿,而且料包也挺多的。 螺霸王麻辣款和好欢螺小龙虾味永远在回购列表里!另外一提它家有个番茄味的螺蛳粉,我不是很喜欢吃番茄,也尝试过那款。如果只是放番茄的料包并不出彩。但是非常推荐这两个都卖了,番茄料包和麻辣料包1:3的比例做汤底!!!巨好吃!!!