# 年货好物种草指南 # 1. I miss Sichuan style cold noodles. The picture is taken at night, it's a bit dark... The taste is the smell of red oil enoki mushrooms in bags bought in China, and the bean sprouts are indeed red oil bean sprouts like red oil enoki mushrooms. Not numb, full of spicy flavor, very delicious! This bean sprout is one of the souls (I can't mix it myself anyway, I hope it sells this bean sprout separately) but it's a little salty. But because it is salty, it is more suitable for stockpiling. (Off-topic: Now I can't find the product label because of oos.. Because the noodles served with this cold noodle are dried noodles, thin and very soft... It has no texture and is not tasty at all. The instructions said to cook for 4-6 minutes. I cooked for 4 minutes and it was still too soft, so I recommend everyone to buy delicious hand-made noodles and cut noodles. Because the seasoning package in this box is salty, if you serve the noodles yourself, you can just make it for two people. I think it's worth trying, and the taste is worthy of praise. I hope it can be replaced with noodles... As for other flavors, I haven't tried it yet.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 1. 想念 川味凉拌面。图是晚上照的,有点黑…味道就是国内买的袋装的红油金针菇的味,那个豆芽也确实是红油金针菇样子的红油豆芽。 不麻,香辣味十足,特别好吃!这个豆芽是灵魂之一(反正我自己拌不出来这个味,希望它家单独卖这个豆芽)但是稍微有点咸。但是因为咸,反而比较适合囤货。(题外话:现在因为oos了搜不出来商品标签.. 因为这个凉面配的面条是挂面,细的,巨软了…吃着没有口感,一点也不好吃。说明说煮4-6分钟,我煮了4分钟还是软到不行,所以推荐大家自己买好吃的手擀面刀削面。 这一盒子的调料包因为咸,自己配面条的话正好可以做两人份。我觉得值得尝试,味道也值得夸奖,希望它家能换个配的面条…至于别的味道我还没尝试。