#年货好物种草指南 # 5.Pokka Sapporo Pastry Mushroom Bisque. I just recommended the butter potato flavor. This one has a little mushroom flavor. It is indeed lighter than the potato one, and it tastes very good. However, the seafood clams in Figure 3 of this series have a very fishy taste and are not good to drink. The fragrant cheese rice in picture 2 also tastes like this, but it is delicious to make soup, but it is very difficult to eat when cooking... I only recommend buying the flavor of meringue mushroom and yellow-headed potato. Just have a drink.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 5.Pokka札幌 酥皮蘑菇浓汤。我刚才推荐了黄油土豆味,这个带一点一点点香菇味,确实比土豆的要清淡,也挺好喝的。不过这个系列图三海鲜蛤蜊味的很腥,不好喝。图二的香浓芝士饭也是这个味,但是做汤好喝,做饭就很难吃了…只建议买酥皮蘑菇味和黄头土豆味,不要囤太多,买几盒留着下午饿了喝一点就好。