# 年货好物种草指南 # Stocking up on New Year's goods again🥳🥳🥳A lot of new products😍 All kinds of snacks and cakes 🍰 biscuits and fast food are all my favorites... Lin Shengji's Ziyue Liuxin Crisp is beautifully packaged as a gift or eaten by yourself. The main thing is that it is delicious! Half-cooked soft heart wagashi, very suitable for milk tea! Passion fruit jelly is a favorite of children, with strong fruity fragrance! Hua Muzi's cheese toast is perfect for breakfast! Of course, there are also drinks 🥤, the Kaman orange soda in the vitality forest is also very cool and thirst-quenching! It is very suitable for eating too greasy during the Chinese New Year! Too many New Year's goods ~ New Year's 🧨 just 🉐️ buy, buy, buy...^_^
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 又囤年货啦🥳🥳🥳好多新品😍 各种零食糕点🍰饼干、速食都是我的心头好…… 林生记的紫月流心酥包装精美送礼或自己吃都OK,主要还很好吃啦!半熟软心和果子,很适合配点奶茶喲! 百香果味的果冻小朋友的最爱,果味浓香!花木子的奶酪吐司当早餐妥妥哒!当然也少不了饮料🥤,元气森林的卡曼橘汽水也是非常赞清凉解渴!很配在过年中吃太油腻了! 太多年货辣~过年🧨就🉐️买买买…^_^