# 年货好物种草指南 #Foot stickers have been used a lot in Hong Kong, but they all ended in failure. At that time, in order to dehumidify, I put two sticks every day before going to bed. But I'm allergic to tape, which caused the symptoms to get worse. I just came across this activity and planned to try it out, but I found out, hey, I'm surprised, I'm not allergic to it. After the first day, wow, the soles of both feet were black, and I thought this guy was a fool. But there are 50 posts, so let’s take it as a task. I come to two every day. The next day I found that there was a corner that was not so dark. The third is the fourth post. It is really obvious that it is not so dark and oily. Apparently it's not because of sweaty feet. Go to sleep, it's okay anyway, it's definitely not as good as sleeping pills, anesthesia will fall after a single injection. hey hey
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# 年货好物种草指南 #足贴这玩意在香港用了好多,但都是无疾而终。当时为了除湿,每天睡前贴两个。可是我对胶布过敏,引起的症状更严重了。这个足贴我也就是碰上活动打算凑单试试,结果发现,咦,惊喜啊,居然不过敏。第一天贴完以后,哇,两个脚底板都黑乎乎的,当时还觉得这家伙是忽悠人的。但是有五十贴呢,就当成任务吧,每天来两个,结果第二天我发现好像有个角落没有那么黑了,当时觉得会不会是没贴好,又连续贴了四天,图三就是第四贴,真的很明显没有那么黑油油了。可见也不是脚汗的原因。睡眠吧,反正还行吧,肯定比不上安眠药,麻醉剂一针就倒。嘿嘿嘿