# 年货好物种草指南 #Konjac Cool I have been eating it for five years, and I don’t want to eat it, but my sister started again, alas, see you in five years. Is there anything you don't like about crayfish and snail noodles? Of course, my cat doesn't like it. This made me love him even more. Although every time Miss Hua encounters me eating snail powder, she starts to help me bury shit. I don't put sour bamboo shoots, so everyone can accept it. The amazing thing is that I can't eat sour bamboo shoots anymore. But it does not affect the deliciousness, just like a small hot pot, you can always cook a large pot of hot pot meatballs, bean curd, green vegetables and quail eggs. My stupid younger brother bought a "basin" as big as a washbasin in order to be cool, and he was amazed that he could finish a whole basin! As for the potato flour, this one is a little too high. After all, I have eaten potato flour with Gansu juice, and other flours are not eye-catching. Of course, the price is not close to the people, so I won't buy it again.
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# 年货好物种草指南 #魔芋爽我吃了五年了,吃到我不想吃,但是我妹子又开始了,唉,五年后再见吧。小龙虾螺蛳粉有不爱的吗?当然有,我的猫就不爱。这就导致我更爱他了。虽然每次花小姐遇到我吃螺蛳粉就开始帮我埋屎。我不放酸笋啦,这样大家都能接受,神奇的是我现在吃不惯酸笋了。不过不影响美味,就像一个小火锅,总是能煮一大锅火锅丸子豆皮青菜鹌鹑蛋。我那个傻弟弟为了能嗦粉嗦的爽特意买了一个洗脸盆一样大的“盆”,惊叹的是他居然能嗦完一整盆!土豆粉嘛,这个稍有点不上不下,毕竟我吃过了甘肃流汁土豆粉,其他的粉就入不了眼了。价格当然也不算亲民,所以不太会回购。