# 年货好物种草指南 # 41. Nongfu Spring Nine-made bayberry. It's the kind of dried bayberry that I ate when I was in elementary school. It's delicious! I really want to eat fresh frozen bayberry! Dubin also thought it was delicious. The only problem is that I find that I can't eat candy as much as I did when I was a child, although I didn't eat much sweets when I was a child.... This one is a little sweet? But the sweet and sour is really appetizing! ! ! Good good good good delicious!
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 41. 农夫山泉 九制杨梅。是我小学的时候吃的那种杨梅干的味,很好吃!好想吃新鲜的冻杨梅嘤嘤嘤!呆斌也觉得好吃。唯一的问题是我发现我现在不如小时候那么能吃糖了,虽然小时候我也不怎么吃甜食....这个竟然吃着有点甜?不过酸酸甜甜的真的好开胃!!!好好好好好好好吃!