# 年货好物种草指南 # 52. Gonghe Agricultural Products Round cake Tremella. The quality of this tremella is really very high, there are not too many indurations, and each piece is complete and not broken. 4-5 in a pack are enough to eat for a long time. Is it the best quality Tremella I have ever bought in the United States? (I only bought 4 brands)
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 52.功合农产 圆饼银耳。这个银耳的质量真的是非常高了,没有太多硬结,每块都是完整的没有碎掉。一包里4-5个就够吃好久好久了,是我目前在美国买到过的质量最好的银耳?(我只买过4个牌子)