# 年货好物种草指南 # Skin care in progress|Unlimited repurchase AHC hyaluronic acid mask ✨It is still a moisturizing mask that I have been using since my school days✨ AHC ace mask, which is popular as a moisturizing mask, has excellent moisturizing effect In winter, it is necessary to accompany the heating, so the skin will feel dry Therefore, for the performance of masks in winter, I usually stock up on moisturizing masks in large quantities. In the field of moisturizing masks, I have really been exploring and trying Especially when applying makeup in winter, there will be occasional dry card powder At this time, it is especially suitable to apply a mask before makeup, and then apply powder to makeup It can effectively reduce the phenomenon of liquid foundation sticking powder, and the makeup will be more docile At that time, their family also released a gold gold foil mask Mainly the cheap version of Iron Man mask, but after using it, I still prefer the classic one This mask of their family is also the ancestor of the hyaluronic acid mask. I remember that the propaganda at that time also featured Korean theater-level SPA products. When you go to school, you will be firmly held by the skin care products and concept circles of Japan and South Korea. The concept of makeup such as water light muscle was also very fierce at that time, and moisturizing must be arranged from time to time Especially the stars in Korean dramas, the little sisters on the roadside when they travel to Korea The skin is super good, of course, I later learned that this is the credit of the Korean beauty salon
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 护肤进行时|无限回购的AHC玻尿酸面膜 ✨依旧是从学生时代就开始使用的一款保湿面膜✨ 作为保湿面膜而火的AHC王牌面膜,保湿效果极佳 一到冬季,就要与暖气常伴,因而皮肤也会感觉干干的 所以冬季的面膜性能,一般我都会大量囤保湿面膜 在保湿面膜这个领域,真的是一直在探索尝试 特别是冬季上妆时,偶尔会出现干燥卡粉的情况 这种时候,特别适合妆前敷一片面膜,然后再抹粉上妆 可以有效减少粉底液卡粉现象,且妆容会更加服帖 当时他们家还出了一款黄金金箔面膜 主打平价版钢铁侠面膜,但是使用后还是更喜欢经典款 他们家的这款面膜也算是玻尿酸面膜的始祖了 记得当时的宣传也是主打韩国院线级SPA产品 上学那会被日韩的护肤品和概念圈的牢牢的 水光肌等妆容概念当时也打得很猛,保湿必须时时安排 特别是韩剧中的明星,去韩国旅游路边的小姐姐 皮肤都超级好,当然后来才知道这是韩国美容院的功劳