# 年货好物种草指南 # The weather is cold, drink some soup and water 🥣 to warm the stomach~ Cook a small pot of miso mushroom soup 🍄 delicious and healthy Material: Mushrooms 🍄 (seafood mushrooms, crab mushrooms, white jade mushrooms are the best), soft tofu, miso sauce, dried wakame practice: 1. Boil water at the bottom of the pot, add 🧄 garlic (or not) 2. Add miso sauce according to personal taste, add washed and chopped 🍄 mushrooms, add dried wakame 3. Add the soft tofu cut into small pieces 4. Boil the water until the water boils. After cooking for three to five minutes, make sure the mushrooms are cooked before turning off the heat. Such a pot of 🥣Hot, delicious and healthy miso mushroom soup is ready Because the miso sauce itself has enough flavor So there is no need to add salt or other seasonings. About ten minutes
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 天气冷了 喝点汤汤水水🥣的暖暖胃~ 煮上一小锅味增蘑菇汤🍄 美味健康 材料: 蘑菇🍄(海鲜菇、蟹味菇、白玉菇之类的最佳)、嫩豆腐、味增酱、裙带菜干 做法: 1. 锅底煮水,加入🧄蒜粒(也可不加) 2. 根据个人口味适量加入味增酱,并加入洗净切好的🍄蘑菇,加入裙带菜干 3. 加入切成小粒的嫩豆腐 4. 煮至水开,在煮个三五分钟确保蘑菇熟了就可以关火了 这样一锅🥣热乎乎、美味健康的味增蘑菇汤就煮好了 因为味增酱本身就有足够的滋味 所以不用格外加盐或是其他调味 全程大概十分钟