# 年货好物种草指南 # Zhou Hei Ya's duck gizzard tasted shriveled Almost no fiber in duck gizzards This meat doesn't taste as good as duck neck. A little bit of spice residue Take a bite of duck gizzard and spit out things like chili seeds/sichuan pepper seeds several times The duck gizzards packaged in this snack that I ate before were all bulging. But Zhou Hei Ya's is a flat one, it's really not good Next time try other brands of duck gizzards
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 周黑鸭的鸭胗吃起来干瘪瘪的 几乎吃不出鸭胗的纤维 这肉吃起来感觉还没有鸭脖吃得过瘾 香料渣渣也有点多 咬一口鸭胗要吐好几次辣椒籽/花椒籽之类的东西 之前吃的这种零食包装的鸭胗都是鼓鼓囊囊一个 但是周黑鸭的就是扁扁的一个 真的不得劲儿 下次尝尝看其他牌子的鸭胗