# 年货好物种草指南 # In the past, when I bought Zhou Hei Duck in China, I only bought the neck of the duck. When I came to the United States, it was the first time I ate duck collarbone 😂 Like the duck neck, I bought the original flavor and the rattan pepper flavor. A pack of the same as duck neck is 140g $7.99 But because the duck clavicle is much bigger There are only 4 small packets in one big bag. That's not enough! ! I forgot about the fact that there are two people at home... Lots of meat, both tastes delicious totally different style The spiciness of the original flavor is much higher. Zhou Hei Ya original flavor After eating the rattan pepper, the mouth is a little numb, but it is not particularly spicy Both flavors are highly recommended This time, I also entered the pit of the duck collarbone. After eating this wave, I will wait until I don’t know what will be replenished in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. eat and cherish...
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 以前在国内买周黑鸭的时候只买鸭脖 来了美国反而是第一次吃鸭锁骨😂 和鸭脖一样 买了原味的和藤椒味的 一包和鸭脖一样都是140g $7.99 不过因为鸭锁骨一份的个头大很多 一大包里只有4小包 吃不够呐!! 真是忘了家里有两个人这回事儿了… 肉蛮多的 两个口味都很好吃 是完全不一样的风格 原味的辣度要高不少 周黑鸭本味 藤椒的吃完嘴巴有点麻麻的 但不会特别辣 这两个口味都很推荐 这次也是入了鸭锁骨的坑了 这波吃完就等不知道猴年马月才会补的货了 且吃且珍惜...