# 2022双节快乐 # Tongfeng Organic buckwheat rice. This is my first time buying buckwheat. If it wasn't for Yami, I wouldn't even know what buckwheat rice looks like. I have searched a lot of recipes, and most of them say that this is as high in nutrients as brown rice, and has a strong sense of satiety, but people with bad stomach and intestines are not easy to digest. So soak it for 2 hours and mix it with rice to cook rice and porridge. I soaked it for one night, and the next day I made porridge with Yujin's short-grain rice in a ratio of 1:2 in a pressure cooker for 25 minutes. Let’s talk about Yujin rice first. It’s not good to eat normally, but it’s too good to make porridge… You really need short-grain rice to make porridge!   Then there is this buckwheat rice, which is already soft, not hard, but still has a little taste, a bit like mini's non-hard sorghum rice? Together with the soft and glutinous short-grain rice, the porridge is layered and delicious. I will be repurchasing this for porridge forever! 🔟
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# 2022双节快乐 # 同丰 有机荞麦米。第一次买荞麦,要不是亚米我都不知道荞麦米长啥样。搜了好多方子,大多说这个和糙米一样营养高、饱腹感强、但是胃肠不好的人不好消化。所以要泡2h在和大米混合煮饭煮粥。 我泡了一个晚上,第二天和玉锦的短粒大米1:2比例用高压锅压了25分钟做的粥。先说玉锦大米,平常吃不出彩,做粥可太绝了……做粥是真的要用短粒米啊!  然后是这个荞麦米,已经软了,不硬,但是还有一点点口感,有点像mini的不硬的高粱米?和软糯的短粒米放在一起,喝粥都有层次感了,也好吃了点。我要永远回购这个做粥!🔟