# 2022双节快乐 # Hometown Flavor Super wide powder. (If it is out of stock, you can only add the tag of crystal fans) No need to soak in advance, it will be soft in 3-4 minutes, and it will not be mushy after cooking for a long time. The taste is the same as the "Hehuan qq Hot Pot Cold Mixed Wide Noodles" that I have dried before, the amount is the same, and the inside is also divided into 8 small portions. recommend! 1⃣️2⃣️
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# 2022双节快乐 # 家乡味 特级宽粉。(缺货了只能添加水晶粉丝的tag)不需要提前泡,直接主3-4分钟就软了,煮久了也完全不会出现糊掉的情况。口感和我之前晒过的“合欢qq火锅凉拌宽粉”一样,量也一样,里面也都是分了8小份出来的。推荐!1⃣️2⃣️