# 2022双节快乐 # Haitian Light Soy Sauce King. I really like to stock up on soy sauce in Yami. I made Japanese ingredients a while ago, and the Japanese ingredients are the killer of soy sauce... not to mention something stewed at home... A bottle will be gone in a month or two. The Haitian Soy King is also a product I often stock up on. It does not have a particularly heavy raw bean flavor. It is very suitable for making some dishes or sauces that do not need the umami flavor. It is also a product that is repurchased all year round. 1⃣️5⃣️
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# 2022双节快乐 # 海天 生抽王。很喜欢在亚米囤酱油,之前一阵子做日料,日料简直就是酱油杀手……更不要说家里卤个什么东西……一瓶子一两个月就没了。海天生抽王也是我经常囤的款,没有特别重的生豆子味,做一些不需要味极鲜那种鲜味的菜或者酱料时非常合适,也是常年回购的产品了。1⃣️5⃣️