Osmanthus and fermented rice is believed to be a classic match in many people's hearts. In the past two years, with the influx of milk tea industry, pearl taro balls and sago have made the taste buds of diners a little tired, and wine brewing has also entered the market. Today, I will use several products I bought on Yami to make Osmanthus Oolong Wine Brewed Zhen Milk. I saw this recipe in a book, but it is not according to the original proportion, but according to my own taste. adjusted. Let's introduce the product first: 1️⃣ Concentric bottle set For both the tea jelly and the milk tea, I used the osmanthus oolong tea bags from the Tea Yanyue Color Concentric Bottle Set. A lot of dried osmanthus is added to the original leaf oolong tea, and the flavor of osmanthus in the tea soup is quite obvious. Tea soup can be used to make tea jelly, but the taste of milk tea is mild. The water temperature is too hot and it is easy to be bitter, which is more suitable for cold brewing. 2️⃣Wu Fu Yuan Pearl Powder Round This is the precious quick-boiled pearls that I have repurchased infinitely. After boiling, the taste is quite springy after passing through cold water, which is no less than the ones made in the milk tea shop. It's just that it doesn't have any sweetness itself. Generally, after the cold water is cooked, I will directly put a spoonful of brown sugar in it and stir it evenly to increase the sweetness. 3️⃣Mother-in-law rice wine Granny rice's wine has less juice, and the wine taste and sweetness are well balanced. It is neither rushing nor greasy, and it is already delicious when you eat it with empty mouth. It is a plus for desserts or drinks. Next, let's briefly talk about how to do it: 1️⃣ One tea bag to make a small half cup of tea soup, add a small amount of white jelly powder (the proportion of each brand is different, please follow the package instructions), a small amount of white sugar or sugar substitute, stir and melt, let it cool and refrigerate for 1-2 hours, solidify Then cut into small pieces and put them in the cup; 2️⃣Put the brewed wine and boiled pearls on the tea jelly in turn; 3️⃣ One tea bag and half a cup of water to make strong tea, add an appropriate amount of half n half, sugar, stir well and pour it on the pearls; 4️⃣Pour an appropriate amount of half n half and a small amount of granulated sugar into the French press, pull it until the liquid reaches 1.5 times the amount to make a cold foam version of the milk cover, pour it into the cup, and you're done! Since it is made of oolong tea, the overall taste is relatively light, but the five layers of content combined have a very rich taste, and it is very enjoyable to mix it well and eat it with a spoon. The wine itself has sweetness, so a little sweetener is added to the other parts to enhance the taste so that the whole is not bland. Interested friends come and try it! # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 2022双节快乐 #
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桂花加酒酿相信是许多人心中的经典搭配,这两年来随着奶茶界的内卷,珍珠芋圆西米已经让食客们的味蕾有些审美疲劳,酒酿竟也跻身进来占有一席之地了。 今天就用亚米上买到的几款产品来做个桂花乌龙酒酿珍奶吧,我是在小某书上看到这个方子,只不过没有按照原方的比例,是按照自己的口味调整的。先来介绍一下产品: 1️⃣同心瓶套装 茶冻和奶茶我都使用了茶颜悦色同心瓶套装中的桂花乌龙茶包。原叶乌龙做茶中加了不少干桂花,茶汤桂花味相当明显。茶汤用来做茶冻还可以,做奶茶味道偏淡。水温太热容易苦涩,比较适合做冷萃。 2️⃣五福圆 珍珠粉圆 这是我无限回购的珍快煮珍珠,煮好之后过一下凉水口感相当弹牙,不亚于奶茶店里现做的。只不过它本身没有甜味,一般煮好过完凉水后我会直接放一勺黑糖进去搅拌均匀增加甜度。 3️⃣米婆婆酒酿 米婆婆的酒酿汁水较少,酒味和甜味平衡的比较好,既不冲也不腻,空口吃就已经很美味了,做甜点或饮品都很加分。 接着来简单说一下做法: 1️⃣一个茶包泡出小半杯茶汤,加入少量白凉粉(每个品牌比例不一样,具体按包装说明操作),少量白砂糖或代糖搅拌融化,放凉后冰箱里冷藏1-2小时,凝固后切小块放入杯中; 2️⃣茶冻上依次铺上酒酿和煮好的珍珠; 3️⃣一个茶包加半杯水泡出浓茶,加入适量half n half,砂糖,搅拌均匀倒在珍珠上; 4️⃣法压壶中倒入适量half n half,少量砂糖,抽拉至液体达到1.5倍量做一个cold foam版奶盖,倒入杯中,完成! 由于是乌龙茶底做的,整体味道是比较清淡的,不过五层内容结合起来口感相当丰富,直接搅匀用勺子吃非常过瘾。酒酿本身带有甜度,所以其他部分稍微放一点点甜味剂提个味道让整体不至于寡淡就好。感兴趣的小伙伴们快来试试吧! # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 2022双节快乐 #