# 2022双节快乐 # The pineapple cake itself has a strong pineapple aroma The outer crust is crispy and delicious with moderate sweetness But it's made in Macau after all not their own local characteristics there will always be some gaps I like it as a snack But if you have tasted the product from the country of origin I think the Juxiang Garden is inferior.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 凤梨酥本身凤梨香气浓郁 外层饼皮香酥可口 甜度适中 但毕竟是澳门出品 不是自己本土特色 总是会有一些差距 作为一款点心是喜欢的 但如果尝过原产地的出品后 觉得咀香园的要逊色了