# 2022双节快乐 # It turns out that the durian cake can add so many rich flavors and textures on the basis of maintaining the original strong durian flavor! Pia's durian pancakes are amazing! I have tried Pia's mung bean durian cake before, and I felt that the fusion of durian and mung bean is really wonderful. The unique rich taste of durian and the taste like mung bean paste are really delicate and sweet. And the Pia salted egg yolk mung bean durian cake I recently tried is even more amazing! The whole salted egg yolk is added to the durian pancake with fresh and salty! And accompanied by a few slightly crunchy green beans, the taste is also richer! Pia's durian cakes are really rich in flavor. In addition to the two I have tried, I also have a package of Pia with taro, mung bean and durian egg yolk that has not been opened. I'm looking forward to it~
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# 2022双节快乐 # 原来榴莲饼能在保持原有浓郁榴莲味儿的基础上,增加出这么多种丰富的味道与口感!Pia的榴莲饼实在是太惊艳了! 之前已经尝过Pia的绿豆榴莲饼,当时就觉得居然榴莲与绿豆的融合真是奇妙,榴莲的特有浓郁味道与绿豆沙般的口感还真是细腻中揉入了香甜。而最近尝试的这款Pia咸蛋黄绿豆榴莲饼更是惊艳!整颗咸蛋黄在榴莲饼中,又添入了鲜咸!并且伴有几个稍带脆脆的绿豆,使口感也更加丰富! Pia的榴莲饼口味真是丰富,除了已经尝试过的这两款,我还有一包芋头绿豆榴莲蛋黄的Pia没拆封,好期待~