# 2022双节快乐 # Yumei Hot Pot Kuanfen Boil hot water for four or five minutes and it will be cooked. There is a bag of hot pot sauce in it, you can put less if you are afraid of spicy, it looks very attractive. There is also a bean skin and soybean material bag in it. After cooking, there are quite a lot of bean skins, and the soybeans are also delicious. The taste is not particularly spicy, and the noodles are also very glutinous. When you want to eat hot pot, you can use this powder instead, it feels good.
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# 2022双节快乐 #与美火锅宽粉热水烧开煮四五分钟就熟了。里面有一包火锅酱料包,怕辣的可以少放一些,看起来红红火火很诱人。里面还有一个豆皮、黄豆料包,煮好后豆皮还挺多的,黄豆也好吃。 味道不是特别辣,粉也很筋道。嘴馋想吃火锅的时候可以用这个粉代替,感觉还不错。