# 2022双节快乐 # Yami's drinks are really getting more and more I usually keep some in the refrigerator at home. It's the source of happiness for me and my teammates. Let me share with you my recent repurchase list 🧾 1⃣️Milk beer We really love Tianrun Milk Beer It's actually lactobacillus soda. But I can't really get tired of drinking The taste is sweet and sour, very refreshing, and it is also good to relieve tiredness after a meal 2⃣️Kvass Qiulin Gewas has also been lying on the repo list relatively low in calories Bread fermented beverage tastes somewhat similar to beer The bubbles are super full and it is also very refreshing. 3⃣️Suntory non-alcoholic beer This is a malt drink So the taste can really restore the beer to a high degree Less bitter than beer Add ice cubes for better taste Give this to non-drinking friends at parties It's super sweet 4⃣️Energy Forest Sparkling Water I like all kinds of sparkling water in Yuanqi Forest. After all, it's a 0-calorie drink, so there's no guilt to drink it The new sea salt pineapple tastes very good to my appetite 5⃣️ coconut milk Coconut brand coconut milk is probably a must-have drink for Chinese New Year and festivals I bought some before the new year, and my teammates didn't enjoy it. After a year, I restocked again haha 6⃣️Three and a half coffees I've been buying it since Yami's first three-and-a-half meal I'm really impressed that there is a stable inventory so far... The new mini pack comes in three flavors Although the taste is not the same, but the price is higher 7⃣️Sumida River Coffee Each capsule contains coffee concentrate Tear it apart and pour it directly into milk/hot water/ice water/sparkling water Really convenient to take off I like it as much as three and a half haha Now basically it depends on which one is cheaper to buy. (There will be discounts for both brands from time to time) These are my recent drink repurchases list. I don't know what drinks everyone will buy back like crazy haha Come and give me a favor! !
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# 2022双节快乐 # 亚米的饮品真的越来越多了 平时家里多多少少会在冰箱里囤上一些 都是我和队友的快乐源泉啊 来给大家分享下我近期的回购清单🧾 1⃣️奶啤 天润奶啤我们真的太爱了 其实就是乳酸菌汽水啦 但真的怎么都喝不腻 味道酸酸甜甜很爽口 饭后解腻也不错 2⃣️格瓦斯 秋林格瓦斯也是一直躺在回购列表里 卡路里相对比较低 面包发酵饮料的口味和啤酒有一点相似 气泡超级足 也是很爽口的一款 3⃣️三得利无酒精啤酒 这款是麦芽饮料 所以口味确实可以高度还原啤酒 比啤酒少了些苦涩 加点冰块口感更佳 聚会的时候给不喝酒的朋友来瓶这个 简直是超级贴心哦 4⃣️元气森林气泡水 元气森林的气泡水各种口味我都蛮喜欢的 毕竟是0卡饮料 喝起来没什么负罪感 新上的这款海盐菠萝口味很和我的胃口 5⃣️椰汁 椰树牌椰汁大概是逢年过节的必备饮品了 过年前就买了一些 队友没喝过瘾 年后又补了一次货哈哈 6⃣️三顿半咖啡 我从亚米第一次上三顿半就开始买了 到现在有稳定的库存我真的很感动… 新出的这款迷你包装的里面有三种口味 虽然口味上相差不大啦 但性价比更高了 7⃣️隅田川咖啡 这款每个小胶囊里是咖啡浓缩液 撕开来直接倒入牛奶/热水/冰水/气泡水里就好啦 真的是方便到起飞 我对它的喜欢程度和三顿半不相上下哈哈 现在基本上就看哪个实惠买哪个 (两个牌子时不时都会有折扣哦) 以上这些就是我最近的饮品回购清单啦 不知道大家都会疯狂回购什么饮料哈哈 快来给我安利一下!!