# 2022双节快乐 # I've been wanting to eat cold fungus for a long time! I bought the dried black fungus from Fangjia's shop on Yami Make it as soon as you receive it~ 1⃣️ The volume of this black fungus is really huge after foaming Almost 5-6 times the original Everyone, look at the amount of the bubbles in Figure X. Twice as much as the last plate of coleslaw... After soaking it, I found out that I can eat it for two days 😂 2⃣️ Just add tap water when soaking, pure water is better 2 hours to fully foam, no more than 4 hours Do not soak overnight at room temperature Soaking at room temperature for a long time is easy to cause rice yeast acid, which is highly toxic If you feel that the fungus secretes obvious mucus after you feel it, don't eat it. If you have to soak for a long time, put it in the refrigerator 3⃣️ After soaking, rinse with water several times Then add a tablespoon of starch/flour, mix well and wash again This can better remove all kinds of dirt in the fungus Then rinse with clean water until the water is clear 4⃣️ Boil a pot of hot water and boil the fungus After the fungus is boiled, cook for about 3 minutes Take it out and put it in cold pure water, let it cool down and then drain it out Or after draining, add ice cubes to the fungus and mix well to cool down This way you don't need to prepare a lot of cold pure water. 5⃣️ All-purpose cold sauce recipe👇 4 tablespoons light soy sauce 4 tablespoons aged vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar half teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon oyster sauce 1 tsp sesame oil 1 tablespoon sesame seeds minced garlic (3-4 cloves of garlic) Moderate amount of coriander I also added an extra 1/4 diced bell pepper to this recipe The color looks better and the taste is richer To be on the safe side, heat the cilantro and diced peppers in the microwave for 30 seconds before mixing in This salad dressing works well with all kinds of salads Including cucumber and shrimp You can adjust it to your liking and taste
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# 2022双节快乐 # 想吃凉拌木耳很久啦! 在亚米上买了方家铺子的干货黑木耳 收到货立马做起来~ 1⃣️ 这款黑木耳泡发之后体积真的巨大 差不到是原来的5-6倍 大家看图X里干的那些泡出来的量 是最后一盘凉拌木耳的两倍… 泡出来才发现可以吃两天了😂 2⃣️ 泡的时候加自来水就可以了 纯净水更好 2个小时就能完全泡发 不要超过四个小时 不可在常温下隔夜泡发 长时间在室温下泡发容易酿成米酵菌酸 毒性强大 泡发后如果摸上去感觉木耳分泌了明显黏液 就不要食用了 不得不要长时间泡发的话 要放冰箱 3⃣️ 泡发后清水多次清洗 然后加入一大勺淀粉/面粉 搅拌均匀再次清洗 这样可以更好清除木耳里的各种脏东西 然后再用清水清洗至出来的水很清澈就好了 4⃣️ 烧一锅热水 下木耳进行汆水 下完木耳水开后煮3分钟左右即可 捞出放入凉的纯净水中 降温后再沥干捞出 或者沥干后在木耳里加入冰块拌拌匀降温 这样就不用准备大量凉的纯净水啦 5⃣️ 万能凉拌酱汁的配方👇 4勺生抽 4勺陈醋 1勺糖 半勺盐 1勺蚝油 1勺香油 1勺芝麻 蒜末(3-4瓣大蒜) 适量香菜 这道菜里我还额外加了1/4个彩椒切丁 颜色可以更好看 吃起来口感也更丰富 安全起见 香菜和彩椒丁在微波炉里热了30s再拌进去 这个凉拌酱汁适用于各种凉拌菜 包括黄瓜和虾 大家可以依照自己的喜好和口味进行调整