# 2022双节快乐 # The packaging looks fresh I add ice cubes to drink first, I think it tastes pretty good But after a lot of sips, I figured out what it tasted like... A bit of lemon flavor + aloe vera drink flavor! The whole is not the acid of lemon drinks, but more inclined to the taste of aloe vera drinks No ice cubes after drinking Instead, I don't think it tastes so good, it's not refreshing enough. The teammate took a sip and said it didn't taste good and didn't like it I personally think that if you usually like to drink aloe vera, you can try it The taste with ice cubes is much better without ice If you are not particularly cold to the smell of aloe vera, just skip it 😂 I think cactus is actually quite similar to aloe vera The pulp looks about the same, and it may taste similar. Anyone who has eaten cactus will share what it tastes like😯
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# 2022双节快乐 # 包装看起来就很小清新诶 我先加了冰块喝 个人觉得蛮好喝的 不过喝了好多口才想出来像什么味道… 一丢丢柠檬味+芦荟饮料的味道! 整体不是柠檬饮料的那种酸 更偏向芦荟饮料的味道 之后一次喝没有加冰块 反而觉得没那么好喝了 不够清爽 队友尝了一口表示不好喝 不喜欢 我个人觉得如果平时很爱喝芦荟饮的小伙伴可以试试 加冰块的口感不不加冰好很多 如果对芦荟的味道不是特别感冒的话 就绕道吧😂 我感觉仙人掌其实跟芦荟也蛮像的 果肉的样子差不多 那可能味道也会比较类似 有没有吃过仙人掌的小伙伴来分享下到底是什么味道😯