# 2022双节快乐 # Smell as soon as you open the lid It's a sweet milky scent The color is very dark, as dark as black tea The milk smell is very strong, but there is no tea smell It has a slightly bitter tea taste It turns out that the taste of tea comes from the sense of taste, not the sense of smell The egg rolls on the first day of June are still crispy as always👍
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# 2022双节快乐 # 一开盖即闻到香味 是甜甜的奶香味 颜色很深 一如红茶般的深色 奶香味非常浓郁 却没有闻出茶味 吃下去有淡淡苦苦的茶味 原来茶味是从味觉上而不是嗅觉上的 六月初一的蛋卷还是一如既往的酥脆👍