# 2022双节快乐 # It's been a long time since I heard of Chen Yunbao's hundreds of millions of taels It feels like a great cake For sisters who love sweets, they must love it ❤️ Take advantage of the event to enter two boxes to try Picked my favorite egg yolk flavor & mung bean flavor Eat right out of the box, it's even more delicious with a cup of tea I heard that it is better to bake in the oven, I will try it next time~
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# 2022双节快乐 # 听闻陈允宝的亿万两已久 感觉是很高大上的糕点 对于爱吃甜食的姐妹来说,必定很爱❤️ 趁着活动入了两盒试试 挑选了我最爱的蛋黄口味&绿豆味 开盒就吃了,配上一杯茶更美味 听说烤箱烤一烤更佳,下回得试试~