# 2022双节快乐 # I remember buying Gummy Choco the first time I placed an order at Yami Seems to be out of stock for a while... There's a lot of stock in stock recently, I'm so excited Every flavor is in, the kids love it Which one do they like best? They say they can't choose The supermarket sells it for $4.99/box, or Yami is slightly cheaper Take advantage of the stock and directly into two boxes, eat enough 😁 Chocolate wrapped in fudge, sweet but not greasy, soft and glutinous and delicious Don't say the kids like it, I'm in love with it all 💗 Unlimited repurchase...
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# 2022双节快乐 # 记得第一次在亚米下单就买了Gummy Choco 貌似好一阵都是断货中… 最近竟然有大量有货,让我好激动呀 每一种口味都入,孩子们都很喜欢 问他们最喜欢哪一款?都说选不出 超市里都卖$4.99/盒呢,还是亚米稍稍便宜些 趁着有货直接各入两盒,吃个够😁 巧克力包裹着软糖,甜而不腻,软糯糯好好吃 别说孩子很喜欢,我都爱上了💗 无限回购中…