# 2022双节快乐 #Be sure to take an unboxing photo, every time you open the box, it is the gospel of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I buy barley if I do activities. The life here in the US makes it difficult for me to go to the grocery to buy fresh vegetables every day. The vegetables are no different from eating garbage after a long time. The barley leaves give me a kind of psychological comfort. . It is too expensive to use the machine yourself, and it is difficult to deal with the slag of barley grass. Personally, I think it tastes better with soymilk. The milk will have a lot of bubbles after shaking, and the taste is not as good as the collision and fusion between vegetable proteins. I have recommended it to many friends. Maybe the first time I drink it, there will be a few grass-flavored farts, and then there will be no problem. It doesn't particularly go to the toilet, so don't take it as a laxative. There is not much to say about Jinmei vinegar. Anyway, the old man recognized this brand and bought it countless times. He bought 21 bottles in one go the year before last, and it dried up in two years...
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# 2022双节快乐 #开箱照一定要来一张,每次开箱都是强迫症的福音。大麦若叶只要做活动就会买,美国这边的生活让我很难每天都去grocery买新鲜蔬菜,蔬菜放久了感觉跟吃垃圾也没啥区别了,大麦若叶让我有种心理安慰。自己打太费机器,又很难处理好大麦草的渣渣。个人觉得配soymilk更好喝,牛奶因为摇晃以后会有很多泡泡,而且味道不如植物蛋白之间的碰撞和融合。推荐给了很多朋友,可能第一次喝会来那么几个青草味儿的屁,后面就没问题了。也不会特别的上厕所,所以不要当成泻药吃哦。金梅醋不多说了,反正老人就认这个牌子,买了无数次了,前年一口气买了21瓶,两年干光了……