# 2022双节快乐 # To talk about the essence of bibimbap or bibimbap, it must be the sauce. After all, in addition to rice, bibimbap is all kinds of vegetables and eggs, and basically does not require too much technical content. But as long as the sauce tastes good, you can't go wrong with bibimbap~ So this OTTOGI tumbler Korean hot sauce is another good item for people like me who are not very hardworking! This Korean-style hot sauce is weak in spiciness and a little sweet and spicy in taste. It should not be a problem for friends who are not very fond of spicy food~ Occasionally, when you don't want to stir-fry, steam a pot of rice, add your favorite vegetables, fry an egg, pour this spicy sauce on top, stir and you're ready to eat!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 要说韩式拌饭或是石锅拌饭的精髓,那肯定就是酱汁莫属了,毕竟韩式拌饭里除了米饭,就是各种蔬菜和蛋,基本不需要太多技术含量。但是只要酱汁味道好,拌饭就错不了~ 所以这款OTTOGI不倒翁韩式辣酱又是一款适合我这类算不上勤快的人的又一好物!这款韩式辣酱辣度偏弱,味道上有些偏甜辣,对于不太能吃辣的小伙伴来说,应该也不是问题~ 偶尔不想炒菜时,蒸上一锅米饭,加上自己喜欢的蔬菜,再煎个蛋,上面淋上这款辣酱,搅拌一下就可以开吃啦!