# 2022双节快乐 # I really like the Korean KF94 mask. According to reports, the epidemic prevention effect of KF94 is similar to that of KN95. But wearing comfort is not the same. KF94 is really super comfortable to wear, Sealing is also good. Each piece is individually packaged, A little pricey, but worth it. First of all, girls love to be beautiful, so the appearance of masks is also very important. Black is always the coolest color. The length of this hanging ear cable is suitable, and it does not strangle the ears. Wearing it, the face becomes very three-dimensional. I didn't feel uncomfortable after wearing it for a day.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 超喜欢韩国的KF94面膜。 据介绍KF94的防疫效果和KN95差不多, 但是戴起来的舒适度可不是差不多。 KF94戴起来真的超级舒服, 密封性也很好。 这款每片都是独立包装, 价格小贵吧,但是值得。 首先女生都爱漂亮,所以口罩颜值也很重要。 黑色永远是最酷的颜色。 这款挂耳线长短适宜,也不勒耳朵。 戴上去,脸型都变得很立体。 戴了一天下来,也不觉得很难受。