# 2022双节快乐 # The familiar taste of spicy strips comes from Weilong~ Weilong spicy strips that I have eaten before have small gluten. Weilong small gluten still inherits the original taste of Weilong spicy strips, but it is smaller in shape, so it looks a lot more delicate! And this Weilong small gluten comes in a large package with a separate small package, so you won't worry about the large amount of food, and the dryness of the spicy strips will affect the taste! This Weilong small gluten is priced at $6.49 at Yami, which is also a large and affordable snack.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 熟悉的辣条味道,来自卫龙~ 以前吃过的卫龙辣条出了小面筋。卫龙小面筋还是传承了卫龙辣条的原有味道,但是在形状上更加小巧,因而显得精致不少! 并且这款卫龙小面筋是大包装里带着独立小包装,不会担心量大吃不完,辣条变干影响口感啦! 这款卫龙小面筋在亚米售价为$6.49,也是量大实惠,追剧咸辣口小零食~