# 2022双节快乐 # This Four Gods Chicken Soup Simple, nutritious, delicious and healthy Ingredients: 1 whole chicken, 1 pack of Sishen soup, a little ginger, 1 corn, some carrots practice: 1. Wash the chicken and remove the excess fat to avoid the soup being too oily 2. Ginger slices, carrot slices for use 3. Put the washed chicken, ginger, carrot, corn, and Sishen soup bag into the pressure cooker 4. The soup function can be pressed for about 40min 5. After the soup is finished, let it stand until the pressure cooker is naturally deflated 6. Season with salt before serving After this pot of soup is cooked, you can drink the soup directly or use it to cook noodles Both are delicious and nutritious and a good choice for breastfeeding Sishen soup contains barley, gorgon, lotus seeds and yam It's all good food Can enhance resistance, reduce swelling and diuresis, beauty and beauty Very suitable for postpartum and post-operative care Chicken is rich in amino acids and B vitamins Eating chicken with chicken soup can better absorb the nutrients in chicken Enhanced resistance plus a little anti-inflammatory effect Carrots and corn are completely refreshing flavors that I like Add layers to the taste of chicken soup Of course, they are also good food supplements in their own right.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 这款四神鸡汤 操作简单、营养丰富、美味健康 食材: 整鸡一只、四神汤料包一份、姜少许、玉米一根、胡萝卜若干 做法: 1. 鸡洗干净,剔除多余的脂肪以避免汤过油 2. 姜切片、胡萝卜切段备用 3. 将洗好的鸡、姜、胡萝卜、玉米、以及四神汤料包全部放入压力锅内 4. 煲汤功能 大概压制40min即可 5. 煲汤结束后 静置到压力锅自然泄气 6. 饮用前加盐调味 这一锅汤煮好后,可以直接喝汤,还可以用它煮面 都是美味营养又下奶的好选择 四神汤料包含有薏仁、芡实、莲子和山药 都是食补佳品 可以增强抵抗力、消肿利尿、美容养颜 十分适合产后、术后调养 鸡肉富含氨基酸和B族维生素 喝鸡汤吃鸡肉 可以更好的吸收鸡肉中的营养 增强抵抗力 外加一丢丢抗炎作用 胡萝卜和玉米 完全是个人喜欢的清爽口味 给鸡汤口味增加层次感 当然 它们本身也是很好的食补食材