# 2022双节快乐 # Chengdu Sweet Water Noodles, sweet water noodles purchased by Yami, one of the must-love convenience foods! It's just that the amount of noodles is a bit small. For me, who has a big appetite, but adding some vegetables and meat in moderation is still enough. After opening the package, you will see one packet of noodles, two packets of crispy peanuts, and three packets of seasonings. Seasonings are the soul of this sweet water noodle, and there is absolutely no shortage of them. Without them, it is no different from ordinary home-cooked noodles! The method of eating and using is also very simple, first put the noodles into boiling water and boil for three minutes, remove and drain the water, then put the noodles in a bowl and mix them with three packets of seasonings. Began to eat! The operation is very simple, and the noodles are Q-shaped, the sauce is fragrant, and one of Yami's treasures is worth repurchasing!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 成都甜水面,亚米购买的甜水面,试过必爱的方便美食之一!只是面条份量有些少,对于大胃王的我来说,不过适量加些蔬菜和肉类,还是足够饱的。 打开包装后,会看一包面、两包脆花生和三包调味料,调味料是这款甜水面的灵魂之处,绝对不能少,少了就与平常家里煮的面条没有区别! 吃用方法也很简单,先把面条放到沸水中煮沸三分分钟后,捞出沥干水份,然后把面条放到碗里与三包调味料拌均匀后,洒脱上花生米,便可开吃!操作非常简单,而且面条Q弹,酱汁香浓,亚米值得回购的宝藏食物之一!