# 2022双节快乐 # Skin care masks should be applied every day. Tonight pick Korea's JM Solition Golden Caviar Mask. The main function is to nourish the skin. Check out the ingredients Caviar extract, protein, calendula, water-soluble vitamins, etc. They are all good ingredients that can accelerate the synthesis of collagen and firm the skin. There is also gold extract. 24K gold. its rich nutrition. Can help skin care provide intensive nutritional supplements. You can really see gold foil particles on the mask paper. The essence is thick. But not sticky. The texture of the mask is also lightweight. Can stick to the skin. This is great for those with dry/sagging skin. The effect is quite obvious. I like it.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 护肤面膜要天天敷哦. 今晚pick韩国的JM Solition悦活臻养黄金鱼子酱面膜. 主要功效是滋养肌肤. 看了下成分含有 鱼子酱提取物、蛋白质、金盏花、水溶性维生素等. 都是能加速胶原蛋白的合成.紧实肌肤的好成分. 还有黄金萃取物.24K黄金. 其丰富的营养. 能够帮助护肤提供密集的营养补充. 面膜纸上是真的可以看见金箔颗粒的. 精华是浓稠的. 但是不粘腻. 面膜质地也是轻薄型. 能够紧贴肌肤. 这款非常适合皮肤干燥/松弛问题的人群使用. 效果蛮明显的.喜欢.