# 2022双节快乐 # Whoever said that people without cooking skills can only eat instant noodles. Today, I recommend a super popular artifact - Japan's Ajinomoto Cook Do Dry Shrimp Sauce. The production process is so simple that you doubt your life. 1. Wash the shrimp thoroughly. Make a knife on the back of the shrimp. This will not only make it healthier, but the sauce will also be more delicious. 2. Prepare your favorite vegetables and cut them for later use. Such as: cabbage. radish. Italian melon. celery. red pepper. 3. I think the shrimp must be deep-fried. Then fry them. This way, the bite will be particularly fragrant. But fairies who are afraid of fat can also filter and fry them. Stir fry directly. 4. After frying for 1-2 minutes. Add the vegetables just prepared. 5. [The key point is here] Open the Ajinomoto Cook Do and pour in the dried shrimp sauce. (The amount of the sauce depends on the amount of your ingredients. So take care of it yourself) 6. Immediately add a small spoonful of starch. Stir quickly. This will make the sauce a little solid. Wrapped on the shrimp and vegetables. The taste is more delicious. The color is also better. You can also filter this step if you are lazy. Anyway, it's so delicious.... 7. In the end, let’s eat it with white rice. The taste is very authentic. It’s a little bit spicy. You’ll know when you try it😄
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# 2022双节快乐 # 谁说没厨艺的人就只能吃速食面.今天就推荐一款超级登的了厅堂的神器—日本的Ajinomoto Cook Do干烧虾酱汁.制作过程简单到怀疑人生了. 1.把虾洗尽.在虾背划一刀.这样不仅吃的更健康.酱汁也会更入味. 2.准备自己喜欢的蔬菜切好备用.如:卷心菜.萝卜.意大利瓜.芹菜.红椒. 3.我觉得虾一定要深度油炸过后.在拿去炒.这样咬起来才会特别香.但是怕胖的仙女们也可以滤过油炸.直接翻炒. 4.炒1-2分钟以后.加入刚才备好的蔬菜. 5.【重点来了】打开Ajinomoto Cook Do干烧虾酱汁倒进去.(酱汁的分量取决于你食材的数量.所以自己把握一下) 6.马上加入一小勺淀粉进去.快速搅拌.这样酱汁就会变得固体一点.包裹在虾和蔬菜上面.味道更美味.色泽也更好.正所谓色香味就是这样练成的.不过懒人的你也可以滤过这一步.反正都是这么好吃.... 7.最后就是装白饭开吃啦...味道算非常的正宗了.一点点点点辣.你们试试就知道啦😄