# 2022双节快乐 # When I first came to the United States, I was not very good at cooking, so I followed the videos of food bloggers and found that when people make cold dishes, they almost always use minced green onion, minced garlic, chili noodles and white sesame to drizzle hot oil on them. fragrance. When I practiced it myself, I did find that with or without white sesame seeds, I could clearly feel the difference in taste. Fortunately, white sesame seeds can be easily purchased on Yami, and the one I buy most often is the white sesame seeds (Shirakiku) from Sanukiya. This flat-pack of white sesame seeds comes in two outlet designs and can be poured in large or small quantities. This Sanukiya white sesame is white in color, plump in grain, thin in seed coat, good in taste and mellow in aftertaste. The quality and taste are good! And it is said that white sesame and its products have the effect of laxative, nourishing yin and skin care. It's really healthy Sanukiya White Sesame is priced at $3.99 at Yami, and sometimes the packaging is slightly different, but the quality is good!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 刚来美国的时候,也不太会做菜,就看着美食博主视频跟着学,发现大家做凉拌菜时,几乎都会用葱末、蒜末、辣椒面和白芝麻上淋热油来激发香味。而自己实践的时候,也确实发现加不加白芝麻,还是能很明显的感到味道上的差异的。 好在亚米上就可以方便购入白芝麻,我最常购入的就是赞岐屋的白芝麻(Shirakiku)。这款平装白芝麻有两种出口设计,可倒出大量或少量。 这款赞岐屋白芝麻色泽洁白、籽粒饱满、种皮薄、口感好、后味香醇。质量和味道都很不错!并且据说白芝麻及其制品具有润肠通便、滋阴护肤的效果。真是健康好物~ 赞岐屋白芝麻在亚米售价$3.99,时而包装上略有不同,但是品质都很好!