# 2022双节快乐 # Hot pot and winter are a perfect match! The cold wind and snow outside the house, the warm hot pot inside the house is fragrant! A hot pot base is definitely indispensable for eating hot pot. A delicious base can add color and flavor to the hot pot. Little Sheep and Haidilao are the hotpot ingredients that my family most often buys from Yami. Little Sheep's hot pot base also has different flavors to choose from: clear soup, tomato, mushroom and spicy. My family usually chooses spicy flavor, which is more delicious. This Little Sheep Spicy Hot Pot is full of numbness and spiciness. In the pot, fry the garlic, green onion and hot pot base material until fragrant and fry the red oil, add water and boil, then add your favorite vegetables and meat~ This Little Sheep Spicy Hot Pot Base is priced at $4.99 at Yamibuy. My kids don't eat spicy food, so my family and I usually eat two meals a pack.
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yami_featured_image # 2022双节快乐 # 火锅和冬天简直就是绝配!屋外寒风飘雪,屋内暖暖火锅飘香!吃火锅肯定少不了火锅底料,一款好吃的底料让火锅增色增味不少。我家最常从亚米购入的火锅底料要数小肥羊和海底捞了。 小肥羊的火锅底料也有不同味道的选择清汤、番茄、菌菇和麻辣,我家一般都会选择麻辣味,吃着味儿更足。 这款小肥羊麻辣火锅底料麻味、辣味都十足。在锅中将蒜、葱和火锅底料先炒香炒出红油,再加水煮开后即可加入自己喜爱的蔬菜肉类~ 这款小肥羊麻辣火锅底料在亚米售价$4.99,我家小朋友们不吃辣,所以我和家属一般都是一包吃两顿。