# 2022双节快乐 # After eating hundreds of millions of taels of taro crisps, I was out of control. I also bought the famous Midanbo from his family. This dessert has won the highest award of Japanese desserts. The old rule is to use the air fryer to heat it up until it is fragrant, and then taste it. It's delicious too. The outer skin is crispy and the slag falls off, and the filling has cream, white bean paste, and cheese. The first bite is so crispy, and the second bite is a perfect fusion of multiple flavors, and the taste is dense and smooth. And sweet but not greasy. One can't help but take one bite after another and can't stop. In my mind, the taste is more special than the taro crisp. But the taste is comparable. So, adults don't make choices. I will repurchase next time I restock.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 吃过亿万两的芋头酥后,一发不可收拾。又买了他家的鼎鼎大名的御丹波,这款可是获得过日本点心最高殊荣大奖的点心。 老规矩,还是先用空气炸锅加热到香气四溢,然后再品尝。也太好吃了吧。外皮酥的一碰就掉渣,内馅吃到了奶油,白豆沙,乳酪。一口下去好酥脆,第二口多重香味完美的融合,口感绵密润滑。而且甜而不腻。让人忍不住一口接一口,停不下来。 在我心里,比芋头酥的口感更加特别一些。但是味道方面不相上下。所以,成年人不做选择。下次补货,我都要回购。