# 2022双节快乐 # How about the dry mix of beef huaxi noodles? On a whim one day, I wanted to try the taste of dry mixed beef noodles. The method is the same as normal, first cook the flour, after q bombing, add the hot side dishes, I added chopped ham and water spinach, and then add the seasoning, and it's good to mix. I didn't expect it to taste good. You can also try it.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 牛肉花溪粉干拌会怎么样?有一天突发奇想,想试试干拌牛肉粉味道如何。做法和正常相同,先煮粉,q弹后,加入烫好的配菜,我加了火腿碎和空心菜,然后加入调料,一拌就好了。没想到味道也不错。大家也可以试试。