# 2022双节快乐 # The most common staple food in my family is rice. But compared to rice, glutinous rice is more tender and smooth. So, my family often has glutinous rice to make porridge. This white plum glutinous rice 5-pound pack is purchased from Yami, priced at $10.19. The 5-pound pack occupies a small area, and it is more convenient to buy it when it is finished. This white plum glutinous rice is full of grains and white in color. Glutinous rice is nutritious, easier to digest, and more nourishing for the stomach. Before cooking porridge, I usually soak it in water for about half an hour. After cooking in the pot for half an hour to an hour, I can get soft and smooth glutinous rice porridge~ Of course, glutinous rice can also be used to make special snacks, I will try it when I learn it~
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# 2022双节快乐 # 我家最常吃的主食还是大米。但是与大米相比,糯米则更加软嫩香滑。所以,我家常有糯米做粥。 这款白梅糯米5磅装购于亚米,售价为$10.19,5磅包装占地小,而且吃完现买,常开常新,更方便。 这款白梅糯米颗粒饱满,颜色雪白。糯米营养丰富,并且更容易消化,更养胃。每次煮粥前,我通常会清水浸泡半小时左右,锅中煮半小时至一小时后,即可得到软嫩爽滑的糯米粥~ 当然,糯米还可以用来做特色点心,等我学会了也试试~