# 2022双节快乐 # Some time ago started this salt and pepper toasted walnuts I love it instantly Quickly repurchased another pack Thin-skinned walnuts are used in this salt and pepper toasted walnuts Peel walnuts easily Make eating walnuts as easy as eating melon seeds Two walnuts are held together in the hand Both walnuts will split open to enjoy the plump walnut meat Each walnut has a plump, large pulp salt and pepper Greatly enhances the aroma of the walnut itself At the same time, it is a good solution to the greasy feeling that may occur from eating too many walnuts. The salty and fragrant taste of salt and pepper is also very prominent A large pack is less than $7 and weighs about a pound There are two small packets in vacuum packaging It is very good at moisture-proof and fresh-keeping to ensure that every walnut is crispy when you open it. Highly recommended for those who like salty snacks, nuts, and walnuts!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 前段时间入手了这款椒盐味的烤核桃 一试 瞬间爱了 赶紧又回购了一大包 这款椒盐味的烤核桃 采用的都是薄皮核桃 轻易可以做到徒手剥核桃 让吃核桃如同吃瓜子一样简单 两颗核桃一起握在手里 使劲一握 两个核桃都会裂开 拨开即可享用饱满的核桃肉 每颗核桃都有饱满的大粒果肉 椒盐口味 很好的提升了核桃本身的香味 同时又很好的解了吃太多核桃可能产生的油腻感 咸香鲜香的 椒盐味道也很突出 一大包不到$7 约有一磅重 里面有真空包装的两小包 很好的做到了防潮保鲜 确保打开吃到每颗核桃都是香脆的 强烈推荐给喜欢咸口零食、喜欢坚果、喜欢核桃的小伙伴!