# 2022双节快乐 # The brand OTTOGI tumbler is still very trustworthy Rarely will step on thunder on this brand! This time I bought the tumbler cheese ramen In addition to the noodles, there is also a dehydrated vegetable bag + two powder bags The taste of the powder bag is a bit heavy. I usually add half of both. When you tear it apart, it has a super rich cheese aroma~ After cooking the noodles, I will blanch a little spinach leaves Sprinkle a little corn kernels in the middle (canned) Frozen corn kernels can also be boiled in water for a while. Just put a few pieces of seaweed on the side and you're done If you have enough time, you can also fry an egg/luncheon meat, which is even better. Every time I eat instant noodles, I have to eat a sense of ritual haha 🍜🍜🍜
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yami_featured_image # 2022双节快乐 # OTTOGI不倒翁这个牌子还是很值得信赖的 很少会在这个牌子上踩雷! 这次买的是不倒翁的芝士拉面 除了面饼 还有一个脱水菜包+俩粉包 粉包口味有点偏重 我一般两个都加一半 一撕开就是超级浓郁的芝士香~ 煮完面我会再烫一点菠菜叶子 在中间撒上一点玉米粒(罐头装) 冷冻玉米粒也可以 水里稍微煮一下就好啦 边上稍微插几片海苔 就搞定啦 时间充裕的话还可以煎个蛋/午餐肉 就更赞啦 每次吃泡面也要吃出仪式感哈哈 🍜🍜🍜