# 2022双节快乐 # This organic chestnut 🌟 Super convenient, ready to eat right out of the bag Although each one is not super large 💖 But the advantage is that the grains are full and the light sweetness is just right 🌟This sweetness is more of chestnuts🌰The sweetness that comes with it Instead of the sweetness brought by post-processing added sugar Yami's chestnut kernels are shelled 💖Each piece is peeled beautifully and the texture is clear and complete It retains the sweetness and softness of the chestnut itself One bite can't stop Whether it's for snacks or cooking, add it All are great choices It tastes great, and it tastes great when cooking It has the taste of starchy ingredients such as potatoes and sweet potatoes It has a sweet taste without even adding sugar
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# 2022双节快乐 # 这款有机甘栗仁 🌟超级方便 开袋即食 虽然每一颗都不是超级大 💖但胜在粒粒饱满 而且淡淡的甜味恰到好处 🌟这种甜更多是栗子🌰自带的甘甜 而不是后期加工添加糖带来的甜腻 亚米的这款甘栗仁是去了壳的 💖每一颗都剥的很漂亮 纹理清晰完整 保留了甘栗本身的香甜软糯 一口一个停不下来~ 无论是做零食 还是烧菜的时候加入 都是超级棒的选择 口感超棒 做菜的话 超提味 既有土豆红薯等淀粉类食材的口感 又有香甜滋味 连糖都不用加